
Body massage

  • General wellness massage

    Massage is a therapeutic procedure even if it does not pursue any specific goals. The number of diseases that can be cured or prevented in this way is simply incalculable. In addition, this is the most pleasant way to tone your muscles, joints, and even your own thoughts. Duration 65 minutes.

    ₴ 400.00
  • Relaxing massage

    The main goal of a relaxing massage is to soothe raging nerves and relieve fatigue. Meanwhile, the beneficial properties of massage are not limited to this. After a relaxing massage, a person literally comes to life: his blood circulation is stimulated, and as a result, the brain, which has received abundant oxygen nutrition, becomes ready for work again. Tense muscles also relax from the massage, which manifests itself in the form of an increase in overall vitality and a surge of strength. Duration 65 minutes.

    ₴ 400.00
  • Full body lymphatic drainage massage

    The result of such a procedure will be the elimination of puffiness, normalization of puffiness, restoration of the natural color of the skin. Duration 60 minutes.

    ₴ 350.00
  • Sports and recovery

    The most effective way for an athlete to recover after training, competition, as well as during the adaptation period after various injuries suffered: dislocations, fractures, muscle injuries, ligaments and tendon sprains.

    Along with the complex psychological and physical preparation of athletes, restorative massage perfectly contributes to a significant increase in sports results and maximum increase in working capacity. This type of massage is an important integral part of sports training and allows the athlete to return to everyday stress without much effort. Duration 65 minutes.

    ₴ 450.00
  • Sports-preparatory

    Sports massage is a complex of mechanical effects on the nerve centers, muscles, ligaments and tendons of an athlete, which allows: to reduce the trauma of performing basic exercises; to disperse the blood through the vessels, reducing the sharp load on the cardiovascular system; improve athletic performance in the short term; reduce the effect of lactic acid on the body; increase pumping in muscle tissues.

    ₴ 350.00
  • Hawaiian massage

    Body and soul must coexist in complete harmony - only then will a person be absolutely healthy. And Hawaiian massage is aimed at restoring not only health, but also psycho-emotional state. The literal translation of the name of the technique sounds like "a gentle touch of the velvet foot of a contented cat." Very intriguing, huh? Lomi-Lomi massage is unusual. Here, the “habitual” bodily touch of the master to the patient's skin is combined with cleansing the cover, reading prayers, working with energy fields, and proper breathing. The complex of these activities gives such an amazing effect - complete relaxation, health and beauty of the body. Duration 1 hour 20 minutes.

    ₴ 650.00
  • Visceral chiromassage

    Visceral chiropractic has been around for a very long time - although, of course, not under that Latinized name. For a long time in Russia "ruled the belly", that is. performed a massage of the internal organs of a person through the front wall of the abdomen. Manual work with organs has been used for centuries to treat diseases in China, Thailand, India, Tibet, the Philippines. Abdominal therapy with the help of hands has now found its rebirth as one of the types of ancient Slavic medical culture, unfortunately, at one time not accepted by official medicine. Duration 30 minutes.

    ₴ 150.00
  • Classic Thai massage

    It combines the techniques of three therapies into a single whole: linear massage, deep massage of the muscle-tendon meridians and manual therapy with yoga elements. It is through gentle stretching and massaging according to the method of Thai yoga massage that body tension is relieved, blood circulation is activated, muscles relax, and their elasticity increases. Metabolism is stimulated (toxins and toxins are removed from the body), the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems improves (the risk of blood clots and vascular blockages is reduced), their tone increases, joint mobility improves, and the body's immunity as a whole increases and strengthens. Traditional Thai massage restores and normalizes the functioning of organs and body systems, strengthens and rejuvenates the body. And the massage of hands and feet, where there are more than 60 acupuncture points, is the prevention and treatment of many diseases: lower back pain disappears, arthritis, headaches, digestive problems and much more are less tormented. Duration 65 minutes.

    ₴ 650.00
  • Anti-stress with aroma bags

    Herbal bag massage is a type of Thai massage. This is a truly unique massage technique that includes aromatherapy, acupuncture, hot spots and even yoga. Duration 65 minutes.

    ₴ 450.00
  • Head massage "Antistress"

    Head massage is a therapeutic procedure, during which it is possible to eliminate the problem anywhere and very quickly. Such a massage will come in handy if you have a sharp pain in your head, after a workout, with prolonged emotional stress, when you want to sort out your thoughts. Duration 30 minutes.

    ₴ 200.00
  • Oriental foot massage

    A foot massage has a beneficial effect on the entire musculoskeletal system. A healthy muscular and orthopedic apparatus of the foot promotes correct posture, reduces the risk of osteochondrosis, pinching. Duration 40 minutes.

    ₴ 250.00
  • Back massage

    Back massage strengthens the muscles supporting the spine, relaxes and relieves tension. Duration 40 minutes.

    ₴ 250.00
  • Back + hands + head massage

    A unique technique of physical influence on the human body, as a result of which it is possible to eliminate certain symptoms of diseases, to improve overall well-being. Duration 40 minutes.

    ₴ 250.00

Facial massage

  • Classic facial massage

    One of the best ways to deal with accumulated emotional stress. This type of massage not only eliminates stress and its consequences, but also significantly increases the body's resistance to stress. Duration 25 minutes.

    ₴ 150.00
  • Revitalizing massage

    The essence of massage is to apply strong pressure primarily on the muscles, although both the skin and blood vessels receive a beneficial effect. Duration 40 minutes.

    ₴ 250.00
  • Facial massage "Youth" + Snail therapy

    Achatina snails are unique gastropods with shells that have a magical slime composition. It is used in cosmetology, in the fight against cellulite, for anti-aging procedures. Mucus is a universal remedy. Duration 40 minutes.

    ₴ 300.00
  • Honey massage

    Thanks to honey massage, it is possible to reach almost unprecedented heights of perfection. The body becomes graceful, well-groomed, has a tone, a significantly higher level of health and well-being, sexual attractiveness and mood increase. The invention of the massage technique, which later became classical, was far from the final point in the constant improvement of this type of healing effect on the body. Duration 40 minutes.

    ₴ 400.00

Body shaping

  • Anti-cellulite massage

    Improper nutrition, sedentary work, stagnation of fluid in the tissues leads to the formation of cellulite. This phenomenon is not dangerous for health, in the old days it was considered a sign of a woman's growing up. Nowadays, they are trying to eliminate it as a serious disease. Many ways have been invented thanks to which you can restore the former beauty of the legs and buttocks. Massage is considered the most effective of all. Duration 40 minutes.

    ₴ 350.00
  • Anti-cellulite massage

    Duration 65 minutes.

    ₴ 450.00
  • Vacuum massage with cups

    Canned, or as it is also called, vacuum massage can work wonders. It will help remove the hated fatty apron and get rid of cellulite. It is enough to devote 20-30 minutes daily to your tummy, and in two weeks you will see the first results .. It sounds like fantastic. After all, many people limit themselves to food, are engaged in gyms, and still cannot remove irregularities and unnecessary bulges on the stomach. Correction of the figure in this area is indeed the most difficult. But cupping massage can handle even this daunting task. Duration 30 minutes.

    ₴ 150.00

SPA procedures

  • Scrubbing with Himalayan pink salt

    Pink Himalayan salt has a pronounced cleansing effect on the body: it removes toxins and heavy metals, promotes cell regeneration, speeds up metabolism, improves sleep, digestion, and the appearance of skin, hair and nails. Due to the high iodine content, regular use of Himalayan salt in reasonable amounts can support the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and increase libido. Such a scrub, unlike sea salt, does not irritate the skin at all, perfectly exfoliates, and also enriches your skin with minerals. Duration 20 minutes.

    ₴ 200.00
  • French scrubbing

    Deep cleansing of the face; improving the blood supply to the skin; removal of old (dead) cells; does not hurt;
    anti-cellulite action; removal of impurities and excess sebum. Duration 25 minutes.

    ₴ 250.00
  • Coffee scrubbing

    Coffee scrubbing in general has a beneficial effect on our body: it improves mental state, significantly reduces the risk of depression, stress, improves digestion and increases physical activity, giving vigor for the whole day, increases skin elasticity and helps cleanse the keratinized tissues of our body, when using several procedures has a pronounced lifting effect. Duration 20 minutes.

    ₴ 180.00
  • SPA program "Chocolate bliss"

    The chocolate spa has a detoxifying, anti-cellulite, cleansing, toning, lipolytic and lifting effect on the body. The value and difference of this procedure from the rest is that it combines cosmetic, aromatherapy and psychotherapeutic effects. The procedure includes coffee scrubbing, chocolate wrap + head massage. Duration 1 hour 15 minutes.

    ₴ 550.00
  • SPA program "Honey Relax"

    Will give you a feeling of renewal and inner comfort. The program consists of several stages. First, the master does an acupressure massage of the feet, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body and restores internal strength. Then, with massage movements - gentle scrubbing of the whole body with Himalayan salt.

    After that, natural field honey "wrapping procedure" (collected in an ecological place) is applied to the body. Further, your body in complete silence can enjoy all the nutrients of this product. During the wrapping, the master does a head massage, which further improves all body processes, normalizes blood pressure, and relieves nervous tension. Duration 1 hour 20 minutes.

    ₴ 800.00
  • SPA "French Provence"

    It will help you to plunge into an enchanting atmosphere that will appeal to even the most inveterate skeptic. The procedure includes: French scrubbing (with grape seeds), author's full body massage with grape seed oil; face massage, aromatherapy; tea ceremony. Duration 1 hour 30 minutes.

    ₴ 900.00
  • SPA Hawaii Plus

    The program includes: scrubbing with Hawaiian salt; Hawaiian massage; head massage; tea ceremony + gift. Duration 1 hour 50 minutes.

    ₴ 900.00
  • Spa procedure for men "Egoist" in 4 hands

    With massage movements in 4 hands, a coffee-salt scrub is applied, which not only exfoliates old cells, but also improves the microcirculation of the skin, which in turn gives a feeling of silky skin.
    After scrubbing on the whole body from the heels to the crown of the head, on the entire surface of the body, a hot linen towel is spread. By the way, flax is a symbol of male fertility and all things made from flax have a bactericidal effect. All parts of the body are washed over a hot towel. As soon as the towel cools down a little, it is removed, and you plunge into the hands of the massage master in a relaxed state. Two masseurs, a man and a woman, do a synchronous (helps to hormone male and female energy) pair massage.
    After the end of the session, for the maximum effect of the "reboot", a hot towel is again spread over you from the heels to the crown of the head.
    Aromatherapy is provided throughout the spa.
    At the request of the client, aromatic tea with honey is served. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour 10 minutes.

    ₴ 1,250.00
  • SPA program "Christmas mood"

    The procedure includes: scrubbing with chalked tangerine peel with honey, author's massage of the whole body with citrus seed oils and a hint of coniferous wood, head massage, treating with homemade mulled wine. The procedure is performed with pleasant Christmas music. Lasts 1 hour 40 minutes.

    ₴ 1,000.00
  • Chocolate relaxation "Vip"

    The procedure includes:

    • Coffee salt scrub - 15 minutes
    • Chocolate massage - 50 minutes
    • Chocolate wrap - 25 minutes
    • Head massage - 15 minutes
    • Tea ceremony - 20 minutes
    • Total time - 1 hour 55 minutes

    ₴ 1,000.00
  • Services
    • Body massage
    • Facial massage
    • Body shaping
    • SPA procedures